Monday, February 15, 2010

A Rambling Update

I am really going to get into this whole Mission 101 thing this time.  I mean it.  Okay, first of all, I should explain that my friend Melanie told me about this project our senior year of high school (2007ish) and inspired me to do a list. Well, I never really followed through. Looking back at this list, I did actually get a lot of stuff done but a lot of stuff was left undone as well. This time is going to be different. Through this blog, I will hold myself accountable to this list and over the next 990-some days I will complete every item on this list.

That all being said, I think I've already started making some good progress. I can already completely cross off 96. Inspire somebody else to make a Mission 101 list. My little sister (who is actually three inches taller than I me) Rachel has started her own Mission 101. I'm excited to help her through her list and watch her grow as a person over the next few years.

My friend Lisa has been helping me organize my bedroom and all of my stuff. I've gotten rid of a lot of junk so far and my room is actually looking clean for once. I've also been trying to really organize all of my crafting stuff so I can get all of my craft-related items done at some point. Speaking of which, I've done a total of 22 scrapbook pages for my Europe trip, but I'm sure I still have a lot left to do. I've also done about 9 pages from Spring 2008, leading me closer to finishing a scrapbook for my senior year of high school. I'm mailing 3 cards tomorrow, 2 of which are homemade, to a few friends. I've also been making some nice cards for various occasions, but I'm not sure if I will give them away or list them on Etsy.

I should be starting a new job this week as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant in Colorado City. I had sent out several resumes last week and applied a couple different places, but all it took was one phone call to this new place and it looks like I have a job now. Does that mean I can officially cross off number 26?

Oh I'm excited about new beginnings for this big project! I CAN DO THIS!

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