Monday, February 15, 2010

My Mission 101 List

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable to clearly defined.  Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days?:  Tons of people have created lists in the past, such as New Year's resolutions or a "Bucket List", but with no clear deadline, procrastination is prominent.  1001 Days--which is about 2.75 year, technically 2 years, 8 months, & 28 days, or 33 months, or 143 weeks--is a better time period than a year because it allows several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing tasks, especially the big ones.

Start: Sunday, February 7, 2010
End: Sunday, November 4, 2012

Showing my Creativity
 1. Knit a sweater.
 2. Knit a lace shawl.
 3. Make and list five items in my etsy shop. [0/5]
 4. Knit six pairs of socks. [0/6]
 5. Try a new craft I've never done before or revisit an old one.
 6. Sew a dress.
 7. Finish scrapbooking my Europe trip from June 2006.
 8. Finish scrapbooking at least 1 year of high school.
 9. Finish the 2010 afghan.
10. Make more homemade soap.
11. Acquire another piece of original artwork.
12. Make a new light switch cover for my bedroom.
13. Finish my "Wreck This Journal"
14. Make a collection of homemade cards.
15. Make all my Christmas gifts or buy homemade.

In the Kitchen
16. Cook 10 new recipes from Cooks Illustrated/America's Test Kitchen. [0/10]
17. Make a lasagna from scratch.
18. Bake a pie.
19. Make a beautiful dinner for somebody I love.
20. Go on an old-fashioned picnic.
21. Go vegetarian for a week.

Money Money Money 
22. Save $500 and don't spend it.
23. Pay off my credit card.
24. Go a whole month without buying anything I don't absolutely need, 3x.
25. Leave a really big tip.
26. Apply for 10 jobs. [0/10]
27. Save up all my change for 6 months and buy something just for myself.
28. Participate in Project 3/50.
29. Save up for a spinning wheel.  If possible, buy one.

30. Renew my passport.
31. Either use my passport or make plans to.
32. Visit a state I haven't been to yet.
33. Visit Anthony and his family.
34. Take a trip somewhere with just the twins.
35. Visit Doug's and Tony's graves.
36. Lay flowers on Grandma Gina's grave.
37. Go to a casino with Dad once I turn 21.
38. Go to PRIDE.
39. Go to a fiber festival with Erin.
40. Take a weekend trip with somebody.
41. Present at the Compassionate Friends national conference.

Expanding My Mind
42. Write 3 chapters in my cutting book. [0/3]
43. Read Bi Any Other Name.
44. Read 10 banned books I haven't read before. [0/10]
45. Read everything Nicholas Sparks has published.
46. Graduate with some sort of post-secondary degree or certificate.
47. Visit five new museums. [0/5]
48. See an opera.
49. See a play or a musical.
50. Become certified in CPR.
51. Take a dance class.
52. Learn to read tarot.
53. Read one book a month for pleasure. [0/33]
54. See fifty new movies. No repeats. [0/50]
55. Lean to play three songs on the guitar. [0/3]

It's My Stuff
56. Completely back-up my computer.
57. Photograph and catalog all my valuables for insurance purposes.
58. Have my jewelry appraised.
59. Deep clean my bedroom and get rid of everything I haven't used or worn in 6 months or do not plan to use or wear in the next 6 months.
60. Deep clean my bathroom; throw out old stuff and get rid of stuff I don't use.
61. Feng shui my bedroom.
62. Catalog all my books.
63. Scan all the pictures of Tony.
64. Scan all the pictures of Doug.
65. Go through all my jewelry and get rid of everything I don't wear or is broken.

For the Good of Others
66. Volunteer five times. [0/5]
67. Donate all my nice dresses I have no use for.
68. Send ten letters to the child I sponsor through Compassion, including at least 1 picture. [0/10]
69. Pay for somebody's coffee.
70. Do Operation Beautiful once a month. [0/33]
71. Do 25 random acts of kindness. [0/25]
72. Thank everyone in a military uniform when I'm at the airport.
73. Write/send a personal letter or e-mail once a week. [0/143]
74. Send out Christmas cards.
75. Maintain relationship with Julia.
76. Meet another penpal/online friend in person.
78. Donate $100 to the American Heart Association in Tony's name (but not all at once).

Just Because I Can
78. Get another tattoo.
79. Go to a wine tasting.
80. Walk into a place with a "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" sign without pants.
81. Send a postcard to Post Secret.
82. Get a bikini wax.
83. Get a pedicure.
84. Get allergy shots.
85. Fire a gun.
86. Make a really good workout playlist.
87. Create a yoga routine.
88. Throw an amazing party.
89. Fill a composition notebook with song lyrics and quotes.
90. Write my resume.
91. FREEBIE (or to be determined at a later time...)
92. Do Project 365.
93. Blog 3x a week for a month, at least 3x.
94. Make a website for Doug and Tony.
95. FREEBIE! (or to be determined at a later time...)

List-Related List Stuff
 96. Inspire somebody else to make a Mission 101 list.
 97. Blog about this list.
 98. Photograph my journey through this list.
 99. Make another list.
100. For every item completed, donate $1 to charity.
101. For every item not completed, do 2 hours of volunteer work.

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